Bible Study

Dixie Lee Baptist provides Bible Study opportunities for all ages on Sunday mornings.

Bible Study classes @ 9 a.m.

Join us for several Sunday morning Bible studies at 9 a.m.
For children and students:
Nursery—Birth to 2 years old (Education Building, Room 118)
Preschool—3-4 years old (Education Building, Room 122)
K-2nd Grade (Education Building, Room 108)
3rd-5th Grade (Education Building, Room 102)
Middle School Youth—(Education Building, Room 105)
High School Youth—(Education Building, Room 104)
For adults:
Abundant Life Class—The Abundant Life class meets in the Family Life Center, Room 109. Jim Scott is teaching from the Explore the Bible curriculum.
Cornerstone Class—The women in the Cornerstone class meet in the Education Building, Room 212. Led by Angie McGill, they are studying the Explore the Bible curriculum.
Family Life Class—The Family Life Class, taught by Michael Bittel, meets in the Student Ministry Center. They are studying Explore the Bible curriculum.
Journey Class—The Journey Class, taught by Brad Walker, meets in the Education Building, Room 209. They are studying Explore the Bible curriculum.
Lydia Class—The Lydia Class, taught by Jane Wilkerson, meets in the Family Life Center, Room 107. They are studying Explore the Bible curriculum.
New Class—The New Class meets in the Family Life Center, Room 208. Brad Wing is leading a study of the Explore the Bible curriculum.
Without Borders Class—The Without Borders Class, taught by Mark Weeks, meets in the Education Building, Room 202. They are studying Explore the Bible curriculum.
Young Adult Class—A class for young adults (age 18-29), taught by Chris & Lora Clift, meet in the Education Building, Room 209. They are studying Explore the Bible curriculum.